Lapses in Your SEO Strategies and the Way to Fix Them!
Failing SEO strategies are a very common phenomenon in online marketing. Only thing is the way to fix them and come up in Google ranks.
What are the lapses in your SEO strategies and how to fix them?
- Anticpating results in a short time
It is very common to foresee SEO results before they come through. You may want to wait for a course of time to see results unwind themselves.
Wait for six months to see your keywords get top ranks. If it does not come about even that time, think about a strategy that will make a good turn in your business. An experienced SEO Consultant in Bangalore is the person to give you a realistic picture about your SEO results.
- Not realizing the potential value of social media
Social media do not bring out desired outputs in a direct way. But they build your network and make your site popular.
Start using social media as a powerful platform for targeting the sites your business uses and introduce your content through your social media profiles on those networks. You will see increased visibility in course of time.
- Not caring about internal links
Internal links help search engines crawl effectively and help users find relevant content to their search.
Link two or three pages of relevant content when you post a blog on your site.
- Using keywords that have too much competition
Targeting keywords that are used by every other person pulls down your rank.
Use keywords that have fair search results and use business focused keywords. An expert SEO Company in Bangalore will do this job for you with its research for relevant keywords.
- Not caring about broken links
Repeated 404 errors will disturb user experience and disturb your ranking.
Use some free tools like SEO Spider to fix this problem.
- Slow page speed
Your site may not be fast loading and it will be a road block for your success.
Google’s Page Speed Insights tool helps you check the speed of the site.
- Not attentive to user intent
If you do not understand the user intent behind visiting your site, your keywords are lost without fetching the desired results.
Optimize the keywords according to user intent. A proper search for user intent by an SEO Consultant in Bangalore will be of great help for you.
- No long tailed keywords
Long tailed keywords work effectively to drag the attention of the targeted users with their specific words.
Use 2-4 words that answer the user intent aptly and precisely.
- Giving more importance to keywords than content
Thin content with keywords stuffed will not work your way through.
Use long content with a minimum of 1000 words to make your customers understand what you wish to convey.
Ignoring back links, using guest blogging as the only way of link building, not customizing the links of your site, not caring about XML site maps are some other lapses that can be fixed by an SEO Company in Bangalore.
Love the way, you have lapsed your SEO strategies and the good thing is you have even written about the ways to fix them.